Synergy 3.5a6 release

I’m pleased to announce the availability of version 3.5a6 of Synergy, the sixth alpha release in the brand new 3.5 series. The last release, version 3.2, was Leopard-compatible but would also run on all versions of Mac OS X from Jaguar onwards.

The 3.5 series, on the other hand, is a total rewrite in Objective-C 2.0 which will run only on Leopard and as such it is somewhat experimental in nature. If you want stability then I recommend that you stick with 3.2 for now, but if you like to live on the edge and see the latest then by all means try out the 3.5 series. This release fixes the iTunes respawn bug that crept in to version 3.5a3; the sporadic crashes caused by using NSAppleScript under Garbage Collection are still being investigated.

A quick note about iTunes 7.6.1: Apple introduced a bug which often prevents Synergy from obtaining artwork from iTunes. I do have a workaround in mind (involving delaying the querying for artwork) but I am hoping that Apple will fix the bug in the next release of iTunes. If you can, I recommend that you stay with iTunes 7.6 for now.

A full changelog appears here.

You can download the new release from here and purchase a license using this page. The 3.2 series can still be downloaded from here. Once the 3.5 series goes final it will be a free upgrade to all users who have purchased a license for Synergy 3.0 or higher (that is, if you purchased on or after 5 September 2006 then 3.5 will be a free upgrade for you).