Can't get some of the keybindings to work

  1. anonymous

    When navigating the match listing, most of the <C-{x}> keybindings work, but I can't seem to open a selection in a new, split window with either <C-s> or <C-CR>. Splitting vertically or into a new tab work just fine. <C-CR> just listens to the CR part and opens the file in the same window.

    Also, I can't use <Esc> to cancel the search; I have to use <C-c> instead.

    Otherwise, the plugin is great :)

    I'm using a pretty new version of Vim 7.3b, compiled with Ruby support. The only other plugins I've installed are Tim Pope's pathogen, surround and cucumber-vim.

  2. Greg Hurrell

    The default keybindings won't work on all terminals, as there's no way for Command-T to know what actual key sequences will be sent on any given terminal, so it provides a way of overriding the defaults so that you can set your own combinations. Look at the list of keyboard settings under:

    :help command-t-options

    Your 'ttimeout' settings (see :help 'ttimeout') may also influence things, so that may be worth a look as well.

  3. Alan

    Great, much easier to fix than I thought it would be :)

    I ended up having to map the split window command to <C-g> though; for some reason neither <C-s> nor <C-CR> worked when added to my vimrc.



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