Multiple caches

  1. anonymous


    I'm using Command-T on a quite important project organized accross 3 main subdirectories that we'll call A, B and C : I have three separate shortcuts to invoke CommandT on either subdirectory.

    Opening files from either subdirectory and random order is painful because each call to Command-T on a different directory seems to flush the previous one from the cache : if I open files from A, B, A, I never actually take advantage of the cache.

    Could a 'by root directory' cache be implemented ?


  2. Greg Hurrell

    At first I misunderstood your request, but on reading it again I understand that you are asking for multiple caches, keyed off the "root" directory for each cache. Sounds like a reasonable idea, although I wonder what the memory usage might be for people jumping around a lot between different directories; for that reason I'd want this to be optional and off by default.

    A workaround until then would be to just work from the directory where A, B and C all live rather than changing into them.

  3. Greg Hurrell

    Made a ticket in the tracker for this; see feature request #1878. Not sure when I'll get to this, so feel free to submit a patch.


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