Why Growl?

  1. durdles

    I've been playing with Advance for a while now. It looks very nice and will be a great replacement when all the features show up. Except ...

    I find Growl to be quite inferior to the notifications built into Synergy Classic. Stickyness doesn't work in most of the Growl display designs. And you can't program the display position into ANY of the Growl styles.

    In Synergy Classic I use a partly opaque line of information at the bottom of my screen (no picture), that stays around even when I click "through it" on a window beneath' it. There's no way that Growl, as presently designed will do that.

    I hope that Synergy Advance will keep Classic's notification features.

    Michael Starobin

  2. Greg Hurrell

    Growl is just an optional thing which you can turn off if you don't like it. (Same as in Synergy, which also supports Growl). I personally don't really like Growl but I implemented the Growl feature because several users requested it.

    Synergy Advance will have it's own notification features, but Growl will remain as an option.

    If you're already running Synergy then you can use the Synergy Floater and it will play quite nicely with the Hot Keys and Global Menu of Synergy Advance (ie. turn off those features in Synergy and use the superior Synergy Advance implementations). Eventually Synergy Advance will have a superior implementation of the Floater as well (as well as the menu bar control buttons and much more).


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