Setting up a fork of a GitHub project a Rails submoduleEdit
For Rails deployments I want to eliminate third-party dependencies on places like or (I don’t want downtime of either of those services to prevent me from deploying.)
As a result, if I want to use a third-party library as a submodule, I do the following:
- Add a submodule pointing at the upstream repo
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Create an (initially empty) backup mirror on Gitorious
- Create an (initially empty) mirror on
- Create an (initially empty) mirror on the same machine as my Rails app is running
- In the local submodule, update the submodule to point at the mirror
- Add an "upstream" remote pointing at the original repo, for use with
git fetch
A lot of this is described in detail in "Setting up a brand new public Git repository". I have a
script that I can run on to do most of the dirty work for me. For example, below is the output from setting up a mirror of the spin.js repo:
- Note the use of a shared "github-mirrors" project on Gitorious so I don’t have to create new projects for each upstream mirror
- Also note that I had to call the repo "spin-js" there due to limitations imposed by Gitorious
# ./ spin.js
Initialized empty Git repository in ...
Enter a one-line description (for GitWeb): Mirror of
Mirror of
spin.js.git Wincent+Colaiuta+<>
Enter name of backup repo at GitHub (eg. Command-T): spin.js
Enter name of backup project at Gitorious (eg. fusion-mac-os-x): github-mirrors
Enter name of backup repo at Gitorious (eg. fusion): spin-js
Configuration now complete
Contents of description file:
Mirror of
Contents of cloneurl file:
Contents (tail) of gitweb-projects file:
synergy.git Wincent+Colaiuta+<>
clipper.git Wincent+Colaiuta+<>
spin.js.git Wincent+Colaiuta+<>
Contents of config file:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = true
[remote "github"]
url =
fetch = +refs/*:refs/*
mirror = true
[remote "gitorious"]
url =
fetch = +refs/*:refs/*
mirror = true
# etc ...
You have set up a 'rails' remote; remember to create bare repo on that machine:
Then you can push to publish your initial changes to this repo:
In the end, the steps on the local machine looked something like:
$ mkdir -p vendor/assets/javascripts
$ git submodule add git://
$ cd vendor/assets/javascripts.spin.js
$ git remote add upstream git://
$ cd ../../../..
$ vim .gitmodules # update clone URL
$ vim .git/modules/vendor/assets/javascripts/spin.js/config # update local URL
$ git config branch.master.remote origin
$ git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master
$ git push origin --all
$ git push origin --tags