Using ktrace on macOSEdit

Example: tracing network activity, BSD (system calls, signals etc), and filesystem activity

sudo ktrace trace -p 8484 -S -f C2,C3,C4
  • -p 8484: Show events for process ID 8484.
  • -S: Print arguments as strings for trace points known to include strings.
  • -f: Filter to show only:

Note: In order to determine which tag to link to for C1, C2, C3 (etc) above, I looked up which xnu version corresponds to the current macOS release at:

e.g. macOS 14.6 Sonoma corresponds to xnu-10063.141.1 (so that’s what I’m linking to throughout this article).

Example: tracing memory operations

sudo ktrace trace -p 8484 -S -f S0x010C

As above, but now the filter description is:

Example: tracing only system calls

sudo ktrace trace -p 8484 -S -f S0x040C

As above, but now the filter description is:

Filter descriptions

Here’s what man ktrace says about FILTER DESCRIPTIONS:


A filter description is a comma-separated list of class and subclass specifiers that indicate which events should be traced. A class specifier starts with ‘C’ and contains a single byte, specified in either decimal or hex. A subclass specifier starts with ‘S’ and takes two bytes. The high byte is the class and the low byte is the subclass of that class.

For example, this filter description would enable classes 1 and 37 and the subclasses 33 and 35 of class 5: ‘C1,C0x25,S0x0521,S0x0523’. The ‘ALL’ filter description enables events from all classes.

From kdebug.h, here are some of the interesting sections.

DBG_MAC subclasses

#pragma mark DBG_MACH subclasses

#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_KTRAP_x86 0x02 // Kernel Traps on x86
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_DFLT      0x03 // deprecated name
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_SYNC_ARM  0x03 // arm/arm64 synchronous exception
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_IFLT      0x04 // deprecated name
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_SERR_ARM  0x04 // arm/arm64 SError (async) exception
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_INTR      0x05 // Interrupts
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_ALNG      0x06 // Alignment Exception
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_UTRAP_x86 0x07 // User Traps on x86
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_FP        0x08 // FP Unavail
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_DECI      0x09 // Decrementer Interrupt
#define DBG_MACH_CHUD           0x0A // deprecated name
#define DBG_MACH_SIGNPOST       0x0A // kernel signposts
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_SC        0x0C // System Calls
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_TRACE     0x0D // Trace exception
#define DBG_MACH_EXCP_EMUL      0x0E // Instruction emulated
#define DBG_MACH_IHDLR          0x10 // Interrupt Handlers
#define DBG_MACH_IPC            0x20 // Inter Process Comm
#define DBG_MACH_RESOURCE       0x25 // tracing limits, etc
#define DBG_MACH_EXCLAVES       0x2A // Exclaves
#define DBG_MACH_EXCLAVES_SCHEDULER 0x2B // Exclaves Scheduler
#define DBG_MACH_VM             0x30 // Virtual Memory
#define DBG_MACH_LEAKS          0x31 // alloc/free
#define DBG_MACH_WORKINGSET     0x32 // private subclass for working set related debugging
#define DBG_MACH_SCHED          0x40 // Scheduler
#define DBG_MACH_MSGID_INVALID  0x50 // Messages - invalid
#define DBG_MACH_LOCKS          0x60 // new lock APIs
#define DBG_MACH_PMAP           0x70 // pmap
#define DBG_MACH_CLOCK          0x80 // clock
#define DBG_MACH_MP             0x90 // MP related
#define DBG_MACH_VM_PRESSURE    0xA0 // Memory Pressure Events
#define DBG_MACH_STACKSHOT      0xA1 // Stackshot/Microstackshot subsystem
#define DBG_MACH_SFI            0xA2 // Selective Forced Idle (SFI)
#define DBG_MACH_ENERGY_PERF    0xA3 // Energy/performance resource stats
#define DBG_MACH_SYSDIAGNOSE    0xA4 // sysdiagnose
#define DBG_MACH_ZALLOC         0xA5 // Zone allocator
#define DBG_MACH_THREAD_GROUP   0xA6 // Thread groups
#define DBG_MACH_COALITION      0xA7 // Coalitions
#define DBG_MACH_SHAREDREGION   0xA8 // Shared region
#define DBG_MACH_SCHED_CLUTCH   0xA9 // Clutch scheduler
#define DBG_MACH_IO             0xAA // I/O
#define DBG_MACH_WORKGROUP      0xAB // Workgroup subsystem
#define DBG_MACH_HV             0xAC // Hypervisor subsystem
#define DBG_MACH_KCOV           0xAD // Kernel coverage sanitizer
#define DBG_MACH_MACHDEP_EXCP_SC_x86 0xAE // Machine Dependent System Calls on x86
#define DBG_MACH_MACHDEP_EXCP_SC_ARM 0xAF // Machine Dependent System Calls on arm
#define DBG_MACH_VM_RECLAIM     0xB0 // Deferred Memory Reclamation

DBG_NETWORK subclasses

/* **** The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for Network (DBG_NETWORK) **** */
#define DBG_NETIP       1       /* Internet Protocol */
#define DBG_NETARP      2       /* Address Resolution Protocol */
#define DBG_NETUDP      3       /* User Datagram Protocol */
#define DBG_NETTCP      4       /* Transmission Control Protocol */
#define DBG_NETICMP     5       /* Internet Control Message Protocol */
#define DBG_NETIGMP     6       /* Internet Group Management Protocol */
#define DBG_NETRIP      7       /* Routing Information Protocol */
#define DBG_NETOSPF     8       /* Open Shortest Path First */
#define DBG_NETISIS     9       /* Intermediate System to Intermediate System */
#define DBG_NETSNMP     10      /* Simple Network Management Protocol */
#define DBG_NETSOCK     11      /* Socket Layer */

DBG_FSYSTEM subclasses

/* The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for File System (DBG_FSYSTEM) */
#define DBG_FSRW      0x1     /* reads and writes to the filesystem */
#define DBG_DKRW      0x2     /* reads and writes to the disk */
#define DBG_FSVN      0x3     /* vnode operations (inc. locking/unlocking) */
#define DBG_FSLOOOKUP 0x4     /* namei and other lookup-related operations */
#define DBG_JOURNAL   0x5     /* journaling operations */
#define DBG_IOCTL     0x6     /* ioctl to the disk */
#define DBG_BOOTCACHE 0x7     /* bootcache operations */
#define DBG_HFS       0x8     /* HFS-specific events; see the hfs project */
#define DBG_APFS      0x9     /* APFS-specific events; see the apfs project */
#define DBG_SMB       0xA     /* SMB-specific events; see the smb project */
#define DBG_MOUNT     0xB     /* Mounting/unmounting operations */
#define DBG_EXFAT     0xE     /* ExFAT-specific events; see the exfat project */
#define DBG_MSDOS     0xF     /* FAT-specific events; see the msdosfs project */
#define DBG_ACFS      0x10    /* Xsan-specific events; see the XsanFS project */
#define DBG_THROTTLE  0x11    /* I/O Throttling events */
#define DBG_DECMP     0x12    /* Decmpfs-specific events */
#define DBG_VFS       0x13    /* VFS layer events */
#define DBG_LIVEFS    0x14    /* LiveFS events; see the FSKit project */
#define DBG_NFS       0x15    /* NFS-specific events; see the nfs project */
#define DBG_CONTENT_PROT 0xCF /* Content Protection Events: see bsd/sys/cprotect.h */

DBG_BSD subclasses

/* The Kernel Debug Sub Classes for BSD */
#define DBG_BSD_PROC              0x01 /* process/signals related */
#define DBG_BSD_MEMSTAT           0x02 /* memorystatus / jetsam operations */
#define DBG_BSD_KEVENT            0x03 /* kqueue / kevent related */
#define DBG_BSD_EXCP_SC           0x0C /* System Calls */
#define DBG_BSD_AIO               0x0D /* aio (POSIX async IO) */
#define DBG_BSD_SC_EXTENDED_INFO  0x0E /* System Calls, extended info */
#define DBG_BSD_SC_EXTENDED_INFO2 0x0F /* System Calls, extended info */
#define DBG_BSD_KDEBUG_TEST       0xFF /* for testing kdebug */

See also